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Food & drink

Does my cat really care about me, or just the food I provide?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 3 ответа
Speaking from my own experience with various different cats either my own or other people's it is my opinion that cats only really choose one or maybe two people in their family that they... Читать далее
Free range turkey farmer, Phoenix Free Range

Why don’t we eat turkey eggs?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
It all really comes down to what is commercially viable. If you have a turkey and that turkey lays eggs, you’re going to get much more money by hatching those eggs and rearing the young... Читать далее
Chocolate expert, writer and food industry consultant. Founder of Chocolate Ecstasy Tours and Taste Tripper. @chocolateguide

Why does American chocolate taste so weird?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
This is a question I get asked a lot, and one of my favourite ones to answer. There are several reasons why chocolate in the US tastes particularly disgusting to non-Americans. >... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

Why does instant coffee get so sticky when it's wet, but real coffee doesn't?

спрашиваетStuart Muirhead  · 1 ответ
This is because the two named coffee products are completely different in their qualities.  'Real' coffee is prepared relatively easy: coffee beans are roasted, sorted and ground. All the... Читать далее
Master of Wine (member of the Institute of Masters of Wine), wine buying consultant, wine educator and wine trainer. Founder of Round About Wine. @davidroundmw www.facebook.com/RoundAboutWine/

How can I drink better wine?

спрашиваетLeona Thomas  · 1 ответ
This question goes straight to the heart of wine enjoyment. The short answer is to gain a little more knowledge, be a little braver and indulge your own natural curiosity. Personal taste... Читать далее
Etiquette coach, author and broadcaster. @williamhanson

Tea: milk in first or second?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
I often get asked this question and the answer is you should put the milk in second.  Of course if you’re a real tea connoisseur then you shouldn’t add any milk at all. The Indians and... Читать далее
Lecturer in Sustainability Science at the University of Southampton. (Co)author of over 30 peer reviewed science papers and book chapters, and over 35 popular science and environmental articles. @JamesGDyke

Why do people eat meat?

спрашиваетHazel Sharrad  · 1 ответ
Humans evolved to eat meat. Carnivory shaped Homo sapiens bodies and behaviour. We have forward facing eyes, pointed canine teeth, and a digestive system that can efficiently process... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

How much coffee is too much?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
The main active substance in coffee, as we all know, is caffeine. The ‘safe’ daily amount of coffee you can consume, therefore, is based on the amount of caffeine you can safely consume... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

Do mustards, horseradish sauce, mint sauce and other condiments need to be refrigerated?

спрашиваетLili Harges  · 1 ответ
The short answer would be to store them all in the refrigerator once opened. The named condiments can all last for months (always check the label and try not to exceed a use-by date!) if... Читать далее
Lecturer in Biblical and Religious Studies at the University of Sheffield. She leads the Embodied Religion research theme and researches the symbolic role of food, eating, and the sense of taste in the religions of antiquity. @drmjcwarren

What did Jesus eat at the Last Supper?

спрашиваетMaria Kornienko  · 1 ответ
The Last Supper remains one of the most culturally recognised meals. We are so familiar with the image of Jesus and his disciples sitting around a table, but if you had to put some food... Читать далее