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University of Cambridge researcher focusing on public debate, social media, and disinformation.

What do we absolutely need to know about the June 8 UK elections?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
The United Kingdom's general elections are in full swing. In this brief explainer I'll go into some detail about what's going on today, who's running, what's at stake, who's winning, and... Читать далее
Assistant Professor of Economics, IMT Alti Studi Lucca

Why does Movimento 5 stelle have so much electoral support despite the corruption scandals?

спрашиваетjean-claude  · 1 ответ
There are tons of questions about the emergence and the surprising persistence and political success in the Italian political arena of the Movimento 5 Stelle (translated as the Five Star... Читать далее
Social science researcher

What happened in the UK election?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
On 18th April 2017 UK Prime Minister Theresa May called for a general election to take place on 8th June 2017. It is generally understood that in calling for the election, May was hoping... Читать далее
Economist, business expert, lecturer and active researcher from Birmingham City University’s Business School

Should Trump's election be seen as a 'Black Swan' event? What does it mean for the UK?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
In considering today’s momentous event, the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, I am reminded of the phenomenon known as a ‘Black Swan event’: something... Читать далее

Should I vote in elections?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
There is a novel by Jose Saramago, it's called “Vision”, in it in a country like Portugal all of a sudden people decided not to vote. The election participation is like 2-3 percent. And... Читать далее
Associate Professor of International Political Studies at Richmond University, author of ’Hillary Rising’ and ’Clinton’s Grand Strategy’. @jamesdboys

What are Hillary Clinton’s policies?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
If we look at how this election has played out, despite how you would imagine Hillary Clinton would want to run – putting policy centre and personality secondary – it’s very difficult to... Читать далее
Senior lecturer in politics at the University of Wolverhampton

Will the Liberal Democrats ever be a power in British politics again?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Since 2011, three major political events have weakened the already marginal role of the Liberal Democrats in British politics. In 2011, the referendum on the Alternative Vote to replace... Читать далее