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What happened in Charlottesville, Virginia?

American politicsUsa+2
Olga Zeveleva
  · 275
Ph.D. Student University of Virginia  · 14 авг 2017

Jason Kessler a resident of Charlottesville planned "Unite the Right," an event held on Saturday, August, 12. You can read about the event here or the some of the groups in attendance here. On Friday night these groups held an unpermitted torchlit rally reminiscent of KKK rallies on the University of Virginia campus. You can read one UVA professor's account here. On Saturday, a number of counter protest actions were planned and executed by several activitst groups. A few of them are mentioned in this post. Later in the afternoon, a car rammed into a crowd of protesters and bystanders after the “Unite The Right” rally was deemed unlawful (due to the level of violence) and ordered to disperse. One woman, Heather Heyer was murderd in the attack; many were injured. For a general overview of the day check out this article. Articles also exist calling attention to police tactics and the relationship between the town, a culture of civility, and overt acts of racism.