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I'm a house husband. Am I any less of a man?

Jim Butler
  · 395
Psychotherapist, author & broadcaster; @philliphodson  · 17 февр 2017

Never in a million years because you are doing the most difficult and responsible work which will pay dividends for the rest of your days. 

"The workplace needs to be a more feminine domain than before when heavy industry paid top dollar for big muscles"

In any case, the modern economy dictates that the basic world of work needs to utilise all available genetic talent - which is why there are now some 13 million women in the paid UK workforce displacing a lot of blokes. And also that the workplace needs to be a more feminine domain than before when heavy industry paid top dollar for big muscles which are no longer required. 


If you recall, our first canals were dug out BY HAND. Today, we operate computer mice and push button technology - no strength required. So that's why men are no longer sole breadwinners with an unshakeable grip on the labour market. 


"The joke is really on many of those workaholic men still in traditional roles who never do see their kids grow up"

Clever chaps have learned to adapt to this reality. The first house husbands in the USA were insulted as "Cod Betties" by the surrounding redneck universe. But the joke is really on many of those workaholic men still in traditional roles who never do see their kids grow up so may never get close enough to develop the deepest relationships. 

My own father is a salutary case. It was only in his last year before retirement, and after working for the same company for 44 years, that he suddenly twigged the firm was indifferent to losing him. He had invested his soul in an organisation that did NOT intend to love him back (unlike his family). It was a shattering realisation.