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is vegan bad for my health?

ДиетологияВеганствоMain page
Lindsay Marshall
  · 122
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr  · 1 февр 2017

Going vegan is not going to be bad for your health if you take certain precautions and take your diet seriously. It is certainly worth talking to a Dietitian or a Registered Nutritionist, who will help you to maintain a healthy balance in your diet. 

There was a different question on our platform, that clarifies the steps to the 'safe' transfer to a vegan diet. Please, read it through. 

Here  our experts discuss, what does it take to convince someone to adopt a vegan diet. 

Here  a Registered Dietitian explains, why a dietitian/nutritionist won't 'prescribe' a vegan diet, but why they will support your decision. 

Good luck!