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Alessandro Mascellino

Journalist @mashimself
Активность на Кью
Journalist @mashimself

Why is Trolltunga the best hike you could go on?

спрашиваетAnna Walker  · 1 ответ
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Sy4ZSardrtw?wmode=opaque Mighty waterfalls, endless snowfields and some of the world’s most beautiful panoramic views are only part of the reason why you... Читать далее
Journalist @mashimself

Why should everyone travel to Japan?

спрашиваетAnna Walker  · 1 ответ
When someone asks me this question, I usually answer “Why shouldn’t they”? Figure 1 Tori (Doors) to one of the temples in Kyoto Japan is an absolutely must-see place, not only for... Читать далее