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Dirk Schulze-Makuch

Professor of Astrobiology at the Technical University, Berlin and author of Life in the Universe: Expectations and Constraints
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Professor of Astrobiology at the Technical University, Berlin and author of Life in the Universe: Expectations and Constraints

Do all planets have an iron core like Earth or are we unique in the universe?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
Neither one of those phrases is correct. We are not unique - there are other planets that have an iron core. Venus for example has an iron core. Mars and Mercury too. But not all planets... Читать далее
Professor of Astrobiology at the Technical University, Berlin and author of Life in the Universe: Expectations and Constraints

How has Earth’s geology shaped human evolution?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
It’s shaped the evolution of life on our planet because we have plate tectonics, the nutrient cycle, without which life might not be possible. To have a core - a liquid core - builds up... Читать далее