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Dr. Elena Gapova

Associate Professor of Sociology, Western Michigan University. Previously: Founding Director, Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanities University. Research interests include gender, class, nation in post-socialism.
Активность на Кью
Associate Professor of Sociology, Western Michigan University. Previously: Founding Director, Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanities University. Research interests include gender, class, nation in post-socialism.

Почему в России многие женщины не поддерживают феминизм?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 6 ответов
На самом деле все гораздо сложнее, и на это есть несколько причин. Во-первых, нужно проанализировать, как термин "феминизм" интерпретируется на постсоветском пространстве. Я не считаю... Читать далее
Associate Professor of Sociology, Western Michigan University. Previously: Founding Director, Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanities University. Research interests include gender, class, nation in post-socialism.

Is it true that many women in Russia find feminist ideas irrelevant? If yes, why?

спрашиваетАрсений  · 2 ответа
I would say that reality is more complex, for a number of reasons. First, we should reflect on how the term “feminism” is interpreted in the post-Soviet world. I do not believe that most... Читать далее
Associate Professor of Sociology, Western Michigan University. Previously: Founding Director, Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanities University. Research interests include gender, class, nation in post-socialism.

How successful were the Bolsheviks in achieving gender equality?

спрашиваетKatya Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
The answer to this question is not straightforward. It depends on how gender equality is understood, and, hence, what needs to be done to achieve it. The Soviet vision of gender equality... Читать далее