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Мы сохранили весь контент, но добавить что-то новое уже нельзя

Victoria Makarenko

I am an MSc student in Psychology and Learning Sciences at Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich and a Psychology graduate from UCL (London).
Активность на Кью
I am an MSc student in Psychology and Learning Sciences at Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich and a Psychology graduate from UCL (London).

How do you stay optimistic when life seems to be a catastrophe?

спрашиваетVictoria Medvedeva  · 2 ответа
We can distinguish two types of catastrophes: the real one such as war, becoming a refugee, a severe illness of a loved person, etc. and a superficial catastrophe which we tend to create... Читать далее
I am an MSc student in Psychology and Learning Sciences at Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich and a Psychology graduate from UCL (London).

Why does music make me happy?

спрашиваетNiina Hallberg  · 1 ответ
What is music? Music is a form of art. Music is the ordering of tones or sounds which produce compositions with unity and continuity. A group of tones or sounds is considered as music... Читать далее