Теперь Кью работает в режиме чтения

Мы сохранили весь контент, но добавить что-то новое уже нельзя

Marco Checchi

Philosophy PhD student at University of Leicester
Активность на Кью
Philosophy PhD student at University of Leicester

Do we need socialism to defeat Donald Trump?

спрашиваетMark Best  · 1 ответ
Before understanding what we need to do in order to achieve a certain objective, we should first wonder why we want to achieve it. Defeating Trump has increasingly become a common... Читать далее
Philosophy PhD student at University of Leicester

What is the cultural link between Trump and Brexit?

спрашиваетHelena Atkinson  · 1 ответ
The discussion on the cultural link between Brexit and Trump needs necessarily to start off with a clarification on what we mean by culture. This is usually defined as a set of ideas and... Читать далее