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Мы сохранили весь контент, но добавить что-то новое уже нельзя

Caroline Jones

Women’s Rights Officer, ActionAid UK. Coordinating campaigning activities to engage the UK public and create changes in UK legislation/policy and social norms on women’s rights. @ActionAidUK
Активность на Кью
Women’s Rights Officer, ActionAid UK. Coordinating campaigning activities to engage the UK public and create changes in UK legislation/policy and social norms on women’s rights. @ActionAidUK

What was the point of the women's march and why did people pick pink hats as a symbol?

спрашиваетAnna Sorokina  · 1 ответ
In the wake of Donald Trump’s divisive electoral campaign, a dangerous rhetoric of fear and intolerance has left many people feeling afraid of what the future holds for them. Statements... Читать далее