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Krystal Woodbridge

Psychosexual Therapist and Relationship Counsellor at Woodbridge Therapy. woodbridgetherapy.co.uk @KrystalCoach
Активность на Кью
Psychosexual Therapist and Relationship Counsellor at Woodbridge Therapy. woodbridgetherapy.co.uk @KrystalCoach

How can I get my girlfriend to make the first move in bed?

спрашиваетIan Wade  · 1 ответ
There are so many factors that can influence whether or not your girlfriend initiates sex. It’s important to understand what it is that’s stopping her. Does she lack confidence? Does she... Читать далее
Psychosexual Therapist and Relationship Counsellor at Woodbridge Therapy. woodbridgetherapy.co.uk @KrystalCoach

What actually happens during the male and female orgasms?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
The physiological response is similar for men and women. It’s mainly different sexual organs and different hormones. In terms of orgasm there are four main steps: arousal, plateau, climax... Читать далее

18+ контент

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