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Jane Struthers

Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers
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Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Which old British Christmas traditions have we lost?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
Quite a few Christmas traditions from medieval times have been lost – some of them probably better forgotten.  No one misses the tradition of Hunting the Wren, which involved men and boys... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Is the Dutch Christmas tradition of ‘Black Peter’ basically racist?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
Each November, Sinterklaas, who is the Dutch version of Father Christmas, sails from Spain to the Netherlands. He’s accompanied on his journey by lots of helpers dressed up as Black... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Правда ли, что современный образ Санта-Клауса появился из рекламы Coca-Cola?

Нет, это городской миф. Санта-Клаус (будем называть его американским именем) стал персонажем рождественских рекламных роликов Coca-Сola еще в 1930-х годах, и его одежда, разумеется... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Does the modern depiction of Santa really come from a Coca-Cola advert?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
No. This is an urban myth. What is true is that Santa Claus, to give him his American name, was depicted in Coca-Cola adverts in the 1930s wearing his regulation red and white outfit... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

When did we first start sending Christmas cards, and why do we bother in the digital age?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
The first Christmas cards were sent in 1843, which was a very important date in the history of Christmas since it was also the year Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was published. The... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Aside from mistletoe and Christmas trees, which other pagan traditions do we still observe over Christmas?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
Christmas itself is a pagan tradition, which has been given a Christian makeover. For thousand of years we’ve celebrated the Winter Solstice, which occurs on or around 21 December. It’s... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Why do Austrians celebrate Christmas with a child-tormenting goat-demon called Krampus?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
Krampus is the counterpart to the kindly St Nicholas, who is a figure of Europe folklore who arrives on the 6 December and rewards good children by leaving presents in their shoes. The... Читать далее