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Lukasz Zelezny

SEO consultant and speaker, zelezny.uk @LukaszZelezny
Активность на Кью
SEO consultant and speaker, zelezny.uk @LukaszZelezny

Can anyone take on Google?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
It’s unlikely that any one company will be able to compete and completely take over from Google, for a number of reasons. First of all, Google is ubiquitous and has an incredibly high... Читать далее
SEO consultant and speaker, zelezny.uk @LukaszZelezny

How can social networks cope with the spread of fake news?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
I think we’re going to see more and more fake news websites appearing as the global political landscape continues to shift, and of course these stories will be increasingly shared on... Читать далее