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Guy Longworth

Associate Professor of Philosophy at Warwick University @GuyLongworth and Editor of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society @Aristotweets
Активность на Кью
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Warwick University @GuyLongworth and Editor of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society @Aristotweets

To be or not to be, is that the question?

спрашиваетSteve Turnbull  · 1 ответ
I’d begin by saying that the question seems to be intended as ambiguous. On one reading, it’s a question about suicide: “Given that I’m alive now, how much longer should I live? Should I... Читать далее
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Warwick University @GuyLongworth and Editor of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society @Aristotweets

Why should I be a good person?

спрашиваетAndrew Male  · 1 ответ
Maybe we should start by asking, What kind of answer are you looking for? You might say, What an odd question. Surely, everyone fundamentally wants to be a good person and it would be odd... Читать далее