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Caroline Taggart

Author of several books on etiquette, including Her Ladyship’s Guide to the Art of Conversation, published by Batsford.
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Author of several books on etiquette, including Her Ladyship’s Guide to the Art of Conversation, published by Batsford.

Which single change in manners would most improve the modern world?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
Let’s begin by making a general point that the essence of good manners is to consider other people and not to make them feel uncomfortable.  As such, there are many considerate little... Читать далее
Author of several books on etiquette, including Her Ladyship’s Guide to the Art of Conversation, published by Batsford.

What is 'common' in etiquette terms?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
I think the whole concept of something being referred to as common is terribly old fashioned. It’s a class-riddled term and a way the upper classes used to maintain that they were superior... Читать далее
Author of several books on etiquette, including Her Ladyship’s Guide to the Art of Conversation, published by Batsford.

Is it good etiquette to use your mobile phone on public transport?

спрашиваетJohn McKie  · 1 ответ
Well, it would be wonderful to say that "yes, it is completely unacceptable" – but that’s unrealistic. I think we’ve bowed to the inevitable and these days people will use their phones... Читать далее