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Professor John Street

Professor Of Politics in the School Of Political, Social And International Studies at the University Of East Anglia.
Активность на Кью
Professor Of Politics in the School Of Political, Social And International Studies at the University Of East Anglia.

If Corbynism fails, is there a future for Labour?

спрашиваетPaul Stokes  · 1 ответ
What exactly constitutes failure for Corbynism? It’s clear that some Corbynistas, and Jeremy Corbyn himself to some extent, will not be measuring success solely as a brilliant performance... Читать далее
Professor Of Politics in the School Of Political, Social And International Studies at the University Of East Anglia.

Is it possible for politicians to talk about immigration without lurching to the right?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Yes. There is some very interesting stuff done by academic writers on the question of how to deal with national borders: if cosmopolitanism is the only way forward, is multiculturalism a... Читать далее